Code applicable to the interveners in Energetic Harmonization of the International Anschma© School of
Energetic Harmonization
Nature and limits of the Anschma Energetic Harmonization International© training,
The Anschma Energetic Harmonization© training contains several independent and complementary levels.
In 2010, according to the planetary evolution, updates have been made in the trainings. These adjustments are given by the trainers who attended the Anschma© trainings (20102012).
Anschma© / Anschma- International©
School of Energy Healing
Canada – Europe
The Anshma School's certified Energy Harmonization Practitioners are called Anschma Energy Harmonization Practitioners©.
The Anschma Energy Harmonization© method is not psychotherapy.
Even though Anschma Energy Harmonization© interventions have powerful effects on people, the Anschma© practitioner does not claim to practice any form of psychotherapy.
The Anschma© school and method is not a sectarian or religious practice. The facilitators encourage individual autonomy and self-help based on a better knowledge of one's body and one's own resources.
Each person is free to participate in the sessions, to practice the proposed exercises as he or she sees fit and in full awareness, and to suspend or stop the sessions without having to justify it.
Anschma Energy Harmonization© sessions aim to awaken self-awareness, reduce stress and tension, and improve the behavioral relationship between the body and the psyche.
The Code of Ethics applies to Anschma© students and to Anschma© certified practitioners upon completion of their training.
II.1 The "Code of Ethics" includes the rules of the art to be respected by the student in training and by all Anschma-International© School energetic harmonization graduates.
II.2 The "Code of Ethics" states the values of the Anschma School© Energy Harmonization to be respected by the student in training and by any certified practitioner of the method.
II.3 The graduate of the Energetic Harmonization training holds the title of Anschma© Level X Energetic Harmonization practitioner.
II.6 The Practitioner is any person who has graduated from the Anschma School© in Energetic Harmonization and who has completed one or more levels of training and received his or her diploma under the required conditions.
II.7 The consultant is any person who receives a service from the Anschma School© Energetic Harmonization graduate.
III. 1 Prerequisite
III.1.1 The goal of Anschma Energy Harmonization© is autonomy. The practitioner is invited to help the consultant become autonomous in his or her own process of understanding.
III.1.2 The practitioner develops a personal ethic in which autonomy, non-maleficence, non-judgment, non-harmfulness, dignity, benevolence, fairness, respect for the person, his/her freedom and his/her privacy guide his/her actions.
III.1.3 The intervener accompanies the consultant in confidentiality, neutrality and non-directiveness, in listening to his depths and in the recognition of his potential of life.
III.1.4 This code of ethics applies to Anschma© certified practitioners, Anschma© trainers and Anschma© Energy Harmonization associations worldwide.
III.2 Provisions applicable to the public
III.2.1 The speaker introduces himself/herself objectively to the public. He clearly announces his status for the services offered.
III.2.2 The intervener refrains from guaranteeing, directly or indirectly, expressly or implicitly, the cure of an illness or any other condition.
III.2.3 It is the responsibility of the practitioner to practice Anschma© Energetic in accordance with the legality and laws of his/her country.
III.2.4 The practitioner must inform the parents or parental substitutes in the case of minor consultants and obtain their consent for the service offered.
III.2.5 The practitioner shall clearly advertise the price of his/her services in accordance with his/her graduate status. The cost of services, the terms of payment, and the conditions for submitting receipts for services rendered must be clearly presented and accepted at the beginning of the process. Changes must be announced sufficiently in advance so that the consultant can adjust. The consultant is self-employed and responsible for his/her professional and business choices.
III.2.8 The practice of Anschma© Energy Harmonization is carried out exclusively under its own name: Anschma© Energy Harmonization / Anschma© International.
III.2.9 The practitioner undertakes not to use the name of any other known method in the announcement and in his or her practice of Anschma Energy Harmonization© / Anschma© International.
III.2.10 If the practitioner is already practicing a duly recognized form of psychotherapy or therapy, Energetic Harmonization remains a complementary tool used at the practitioner's discretion, as long as these methods respect the Anschma School© code of ethics.
III.2.11 A certified practitioner who practices one or more recognized methods and who uses the Energetic Harmonization method as a complementary tool may not present his or her other method(s) under the title of Energetic Harmonization of the Anschma School©. He presents Anschma Energy Harmonization as a complement to his other recognized method(s).
III.2.13 The certified practitioner may use the title "Anschma Energy Harmonization©" in information documents, personal advertisements or on his or her Internet site, however, he or she will not directly associate another method or practice with the name Anschma© or Anschma International©. If the practitioner uses several methods, he/she will separate the methods and practices in his/her information and advertising documents and on his/her website.
III.3.1 The intervener must open and keep a descriptive page for each consultant he meets individually, at least at the first meeting.
III.3.2 This file contains the identity and coordinates of the consultant, his health condition, the reason of his request, the coordinates of any therapist by whom or to whom he would have been referred as well as any other relevant information. This file is and remains confidential. The intervener verify if they are able to answer the request of the consultant before agreeing to a support.
III.3.3 The counsellor shall take care not to harm the consultant or a third party in any way whatsoever. He forbids himself in particular any sexual relation, maneuver of seduction or touching whether there is consent or not of the consultant. He is bound to respect the private and intimate life of the consultant, as well as the values and personal convictions of this one. They may not refuse to provide services on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, nationality or social origin.
III.3.4 Anschma© Energy Harmonization practitioners are not physical or mental health practitioners. The interventions cannot replace medical treatment or psychotherapy. In the case of serious physical or mental illness and/or acute chronic pain, the Energetic Harmonization practitioner asks the person to consult a specialized physician and, if necessary, to follow an appropriate treatment.
III.3.5 In the case where the Energetic Harmonization practitioner knows that the consultant is a victim of a serious physical or mental illness but that the latter refuses to consult a doctor or refuses to follow the medical treatment recommended by his or her doctor, the Energetic Harmonization practitioner makes the consultant sign a discharge of responsibility. It is, among other things, indicated on this release that the practitioner has recommended that the consultant meet with a specialized physician.
III.3.6 If the consultant is victim during the sessions in Harmonization of a severe deterioration of his psychic and psychological state, it is asked to the intervener to stop the sessions in Energetic Harmonization and to refer the person to a specialist.
III.4.1 Practitioners respect the privacy and intimacy of their peers. They are loyal to and have the highest integrity towards their peers.
III.4.2 Practitioners ensure that they do not distort the relationship of consultants with their peers.
III.4.3 Any grievance against a peer must be supported by concrete facts and evidence of the alleged facts or third party testimony.
III.6.1 Any grievance by a Practitioner against a Peer or a Consultant against a Practitioner must be addressed orally and in writing to the Anschma-International School and Trainer.
III.6.1 Any grievance by a practitioner against a peer or by a consultant against a practitioner must be addressed orally and in writing to the trainer and to the Anschma-International© school in the case of Anschma Energy Harmonization© .
III.6.2 In general, the legislation on copyright and intellectual property applies to all seminars and trainings offered by the Anschma School© / Anschma-international©. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the content of the seminars and trainings for professional use by any means whatsoever is prohibited.
III.6.3 The founders of the Anschma© method, Anschma-international©, the Anschma© trainers, and the organizers cannot be held responsible for any damage to persons or property that may result directly or indirectly from the interventions of the Energy Harmonization practitioner, such as breaches of the code of ethics or non-compliance with the legislation in force in the countries of residence.
III.7 Provisions applicable to data requests
III.7.1 The interveners are bound by professional secrecy with respect to the consultants. To this end, they shall refrain from disclosing any offence committed by the consultant and brought to their attention by the latter in the course of the assistance relationship. This is with the exception of exceptional cases (safety of others).