Harmonizing with Nature:
The Message from Little Blue Beings

By Alex Louis

Harmonizing with Nature:
The Message from Little Blue Beings

Beings of the Earth, we are here with you to surround you, we introduce ourselves as little blue beings. We’re here to protect and repair the Earth, this great and beautiful Earth. It’s difficult for us alone to protect and repair. We are helped and in contact with beings of nature who have accepted us and through whom we can help the earth accept and better manage the burdens you leave her. But there are fewer and fewer plants and trees, and this is harder and harder for the Earth. You have to consciously accept us and lighten your load, because the earth uses and transforms what you leave it into fertilizer to make its soil and fields bloom again. If you contain all this heaviness within you, if you don’t let it go, it makes you heavier and more imbued with heavy emotions, and instead of transforming these emotions in to earth, it transforms in your reality into strong emotions that spread and lead to more anger, more sadness. Let all of this go to the Earth. The Earth is there to alchemize these strong emotions, this weight that you have within you, into fertilizer, into fertile soil. It fertilizes the earth and makes it grow again, transforming it all into flowers and trees, and it gives opportunities to the beings of the Earth too, because their role is to harmonize and help all this earth to grow, to transform your emotions into love and beauty. We little blue beings are here to consciously help you lighten your load and help the Earth to blossom. We’re here as intermediaries between the beings of nature, the Earth and you.

Everything comes back, everything comes back to you, let yourself go to your deepest nature, which is difficult for you, more and more difficult to deny without creating discomfort, great discomfort within you. There are beginning to be perceptible differences between different beings on this planet, on Earth, as some beings have voluntarily and consciously accepted to ascend to higher dimensions of consciousness, while others are unaware of this and therefore remain in heavier dimensions, more earthbound in the sense that they are more primitive, in more primitive dimensions, and these palpable differences in consciousness create, in those who remain in heavier dimensions, increasingly strong discomfort and violence, which expresses itself much more directly through protective emotions or violence, because their ego, their character feels more and more hurt because he doesn’t understand. It doesn’t want to be part of everything again as it was before; but there’s a clear misinformation that love accepts everything, love accepts everyone, all your aspects are loved. They are loved and they are loved by everyone, not just by yourself, by your ego. Consciously free your ego from its heaviness, its protections.

In ascension, there is only love, lightness, light, compassion, and acceptance. There is no room for rejection, no room for doubt.

Do you doubt that nature is beautiful? Do you doubt that? Earth is a kingdom, a kingdom where everything happens in a hurry, everything happens in a hurry. Money, wars, positions, characters, love, compassion, sharing, unity, all this is on your Earth. Every day, you are confronted with these different forces of opposition. Forces of opposition that keep you either in heavy states or states of ascension. It’s up to you to make a conscious choice. Love is in the middle, love accepts everything, love is everywhere. It all depends on how you want to use it: love for yourself or love for others? Divine love teaches you that to love yourself is to love others. Ego love teaches you that to love yourself is to compare yourself to others, to separate yourself from others.

Love is the path you’ve chosen, but it’s a path of many paths. On this path, different loves are in opposition because the sources of these loves are in opposition: egotistical love or divine love, from your innermost Self. When you don’t know how to act, you can act with one or the other, the decision being yours. Love is within you – you’re all capable of the greatest acts of love. How are you going to express it outside yourself?

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